School of Biological Sciences |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

Entomology And Parasitology


The Entomology and Parasitology programme is important for the development of the nation. Malaysia lies in a tropical zone, and thus is often invaded by various vectorborne diseases (especially mosquitoes and housefl ies) which are capable of transmitting diseases like malaria, dengue, fi lariasis, Japanese encephalitis and typhoid. The strategy for the control of such diseases is not through medication of sick patients, but through the reduction in the source of infection of the disease, which is often the mosquitoes and other vectors. The ability to effectively control the vectors is only possible through extensive knowledge on the biology and the behaviour of those vectors.

Extensive urbanization brings an imbalance between infrastructural development and human activities towards the natural habitats, and this has resulted in the increase of insects and urban pest population like cockroaches, ants, termites, rats, crows etc. Thus, the biology and management of vector and parasite programme will expose students to various vectors and parasites, as well as their life cycle patterns, the ecology and behaviour, so as to fully comprehend their epidemiology before effective control strategies can be formulated for the reduction of such diseases. Vector-borne diseases like malaria, fi lariasis, and dengue are still responsible for the high incidence of morbidity and mortality in many tropical countries, including Malaysia. Thus through this program, students will have a better understanding of the biology of the vectors like mosquitoes and fl ies, as well as their relationship with the transmitted parasites or pathogens.

Graduates are able to work in parasitology research, veterinary, health and academia. Other options of careers include positions in urban as well as agricultural pest control companies.

School of Biological Sciences, 11800, Universiti Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 
Tel : +604 - 653 3181  |  Fax : +604 - 654 XXXX  |  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  

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  • Last Modified: Friday 14 February 2025.