School of Biological Sciences |  Universiti Sains Malaysia



The Electron Microscopy Unit (EM Unit) of the School of Biological Sciences is a centralized research facility that strives to provide microscopy and sample preparation facilities to the research community within the university. Sample from the industrial private sector and other research institutions in Malaysia and elsewhere are also processed in the EM Unit.

Services of the EM Unit

The EM Unit provides services for the examination of biological and non-biological specimens including polymers, metals, minerals, semiconductors and ceramics.

Instruments available are: 

  1. EFTEM Libra 120- Carl Zeiss
  2. Scanning electron microscope (FESEM) (Carl Zeiss Leo Supra 50 VP Field Emission equipped with Oxford INCA – X energy dispersive microanalysis system)
  3. Ultra Microtome
  4. Sputter Coater (Au,Pt,C) 
  5. Light Microscopes & Image Analyser

Comprehensive microscopy services include:

  1. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): Full sample processing from fixation through embedding, ultra-microtomy and microscopy; negative staining of cell fractions, bacteria, viruses, etc
  2. Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM): Full sample processing, HMDS (specialised air-drying techniques), sputter coating (Au/Pt), secondary electron and backscatter imaging;
  3. Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis (EDX/EDS): Elemental analysis with 'super ultra-thin window' detector for analysis of boron onwards; point analysis, area analysis, line analysis and mapping; spectral interpretation;
  4. Light Microscopy (LM): All major modes of observation: bright-field, dark-field, phase contrast, Nomarsky's differential interference contrast, modulation contrast, fluorescence and polarised-light microscopy. Types of microscope include stereo, inverted and metallurgical microscopes;
  5. Image Analysis (IA): All the light microscopes are attached to digital/analogue image capture systems equipped with image processing and analysis functions;
  6. Training and Consultancy: Users are provided with training on how to prepare their own samples.

For any questions or inquiry, feel free to contact:

Mr. Masrul Mansor
Mrs. Nor Faizah Hamid

School of Biological Sciences, 11800, Universiti Sains Malaysia Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 
Tel : +604 - 653 3181  |  Fax : +604 - 654 XXXX  |  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  

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  • Last Modified: Friday 14 February 2025.